This is a song we preform in our puppet show. This particular time it was the b-day of a friend, soooo....we did it for her. Hope you likers it!

Haha it was so funny, during those days my hair went FLAT on me... My hair is usually a little poofy and wavy but after we came back from Tampico, it was so straight! ha...okay, minor detail.

3 comments: said...

That's so awesome Windy!
Love the dance...sigh, I wish we did some cool dance like that!
I'd seen you girls do this dance once before, Misty's just to stiff!

Windy said...

Hahah that's EXACTLY what I tell her, also she moves sorta sloppy, but oh well, at least it's sorta decent...sigh...

Anonymous said...

I like your shirt,Windy! -Noelle