Okay, so this is the dance that I was talking about that I choreographed. Cielo's class had this project where they had to do a dance, she told them about me, so here it is! I separated it into two parts because it was to big to post all in one shot. Here I am with the girls (one of them was missing)
Anyway, it's not super polished or anything. This video Misty took like, when we were in the stage of "so so "knowing" the song but not totally. (you know, doing it at the same time and stuff.)
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! .....
Part two is at the bottom of this post.
Love the dance, But windy...you are like copying so many things!! CHANGE!! :D
Like that girl, Von Karma, gah what am I saying that wasnt her name!! Um carmen? Something she just did Hip hop, and songs from the showwwww....but its a great dance :D
Ehhhh, I KNOW! I was under pressure okay???
And you gota admit.....there were some new steps.....hahaa
hahah thts the song my uncle sings....super good dance though. I liked it alot, Im always trying to do a dnce to that song cuz its got a good beat and all but...no It doesn´t work. hehe
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