P.S. When you are through reading it add some of your own in a comment. If they are good and a lot then I'll make another one with yours in it!
- Don't drink grape juice while wearing a white shirt and driving to a special outing.
- Don't let your life wait for other people.
- Dropping a cellphone into a bathtub of water kinda kills the phone.
- Your mother will find out if you dye your hair purple.
- If it hurts, DON'T DO IT AGAIN!!! (oh, trust me on this one!)
- That which does not kill you will ultimately make you stronger.
- Speaking in public usually gets easier with practice. (same goes to shows! I learned that from experience.....)
- Ten years from now most of what we freak out about won't make any difference. (sigh....Lord, I need that.......WAIT!! Did it say.......(quivering voice) TEN YEARS!! AHHHHHHHH!!! I'll be 25!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH.............erm......AHEEM!!!)
- All that's gold doesn't glisten.
- Pimples pop up when you really can't afford them to pop up. (oh yeah!)
- While driving a car through the gate, always, ALWAYS make sure the gate is open!! The consequences might me fatal to your car!
- If you're not living, (I mean, REALLY living.) THEN.......your dead already! (duuuh!! I luv it!)
- Never pierce your belly bottom in the dark!
- Sometimes smart people can do very stupid things.
- Being nice to people will get you far.
- The one person you can truly love is often right in front of you.
- If you start to like a girl, her roommate will immediately start liking you. (heh, obviously this is for guys.....but I thought it was reeaaally funny!)
- Parent's aren't around forever, you need to treasure them while they are.
- Think carefully before you act.
- Dreaming and doing always go hand in hand.
- Life moves fast, but not so fast that you can't slow down to enjoy it.
- Instead of waiting for life to get better, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!
- If your intuition is telling you not to do something stupid, then don't do it! Your intuition is not stupid!
- Don't juggle knives unless you are really, really good at it.......
- You can't light fireworks in the basement and not get caught.
- Hair is flammable. VERY flammable....(yeah, trust me on this one toooo!)
- God doesn't make junk!
- Someday you will look back on this and it will all seem funny.
- You never know when you're making a memory!
- Nothing matters if you don't have loved ones to share it with.
- Your siblings are incredibly precious. If you don't think so now, you will-trust me! (okay, sigh.....I'll try.....:P)
- If you can laugh at yourself, you are going to be just fine.
- If you allow others to laugh with you, you'll be great!
And now, my part of the batch:
- Wearing white pants and having a very lovable dog that just came back from playing in the mud is really not the best idea in the world.......
- Your room needs to be messy if you're going to clean it up.
- Never sit on green gum at your birthday party. ESPECIALLY if your dress is white. (yikes! remember that one guys! really, not easy to take off!)
- If you're going to shake a bottle of paint, make sure the top is on correctly!
- Make sure you don't use the same role of film that you used for your vacations with your grandparents to take pictures again!
- Not everything that's squishy is huggable!
- Don't take your shoes off if they stink and you are in a car full of people.
- Knowing that Jesus loves you is really all that matters in the world.
- If you fall, get up!
- If you smudge the ink of what you just wrote on the birthday card, you sorta blew it!
- Make sure you don't jump off a very high part of a jumping balloon while there's a person beneath that you will hit your nose with!
- Farting in public is veeeeery embarrassing.....
- When you have a cup of coffee on top of a material table, try not to spill it! (the results will be disastrous!)
- If you're ice skating, pretend you don't know how to skate. All the guys will be asking if they can help you out!
- Don't spray perfume inside your mouth!
- Praying for others really works!
- If a person loves Jesus more than they love you, they are good friends!
- Don't blink when putting mascara on!
- If a dog is barking, it will kinda wake up the baby....
- If your mom is talking, be quiet!!
- Don't get water inside your watch, it will kill it.
- If you're receiving prophecy for someone, let the Lord do the talking.
- Give people the answer to all their questions by presenting them to the answer man=Jesus!
- Don't slam your toe against the edge of the bed, unless of course, you want it to hurt!
- If you need to go to the bathroom, don't hesitate!
- Taking a shower gets you clean! (naaaw, you knew this!?? really??)
- Buy the person you got what they want for Christmas.
- Don't eat rotten tomatoes, yogurt, bread......actually, it's better if you don't eat anything rotten, AT ALL.
- Make sure you get all your computer information backed up. You'll be sorry if they steal your laptop.
- Don't burn your hair, it stinks!
- Don't fall in love with movie actors.....it usually doesn't work out!
- If you are lighting fireworks, stay away from them!
- If you are sad, have some Jesus time!
- Love is the most powerful thing in the whole wide world!
Love ya!
Hahahaha, though I dont think I can come up with any....
YOu know, that is exactly what I said when I started writing this. Yes you will! Just start writing.......trust me. Things will just start to flo....FLO!!!
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