Galio's dance

heheh cutie!

Galio's dance!

Hahaha isn't he the cutest??? He was doing some pretty awesome moves before, even putting dirt all over him while dancing (gasp! Sexy?) I missed filming that good part, but at least you get an idea. Nikky. You can stop watching it after the dance is over, I don't want to die!!!! :P kidding!


Be happy! It´s a brand new day!

Is this my voice!?!?!


This is a song we preform in our puppet show. This particular time it was the b-day of a friend, soooo....we did it for her. Hope you likers it!

Haha it was so funny, during those days my hair went FLAT on me... My hair is usually a little poofy and wavy but after we came back from Tampico, it was so straight! ha...okay, minor detail.

Everything Skit

This is a video of a skit we did during our witnessing trip during Semana Santa (Easter) to Tampico beach.

Everything Skit part 1b

Everything Skit part 2

Everything Skit part 3

Skit part 4


My dear wonderful friends made this video of me for my b-day....
thanks you guys! Best present ever! I will treasure it forever!


Gosh, can you see how much of the "victim" I was? geesh....those wild, wild kids. And look a Lynette! Laughing her head off when it was HER idea in the first place to get back at Annie.
Oh, well.


Yeah, it's amazing the heart cry this song has.
What they are missing, is JESUS! Let's help them know the real way to happiness!
Copy and paste this link to see the video.

Besides Florence....

Guys!! PLEASE! If you see this blog.....COMMENT IT! I WILL SOOOO APPRECIATE IT!!!
I love you!
You're awesome!

My name

I found these on Urban It's super fun!

another word for cool
This party is soooo windy! I'm like not even playin!
A beautiful intelligent lady, who is determined to change the world for the greater good. Her incredible smile lights up the room. Her amazing personality and funny charm attracts men and women to want to be friends with her. It also helps that she has a nice rack. She is also one of the most caring people you will ever meet. She is a traveler and well cultured. Most Sues are athletic too. Watch out for this powerhouse, she can be the biggest bitch if you cross her or her loved ones. Sue would make a great teacher, lawyer, or accountant.
beautiful Sue, sexy Sue, educated Sue, caring
(wow, pretty true!.....except for the big rack part...)
A name for a hot country girl
A great mother and woman in general. Firm in her beliefs and stands up for what is right. Works hard for what they have and they deserve it.
I wish I were a sue like you.

In Ireland, this is a name givin to someone that makes you laugh alot.
I was laughing all day because of a Victoria i know.
Italian name meaning "Victorious" or "Victory" given to a girl that embodies the highest level of beauty.
I was on the LIRR, and suddenly I saw a girl and I knew her name must be Victoria because she was soooo hot!

Really nice, makes you laugh, beautiful, has a lot of passion, great friend to have

Guy1: Did you see Victoria?

Guy2: Yeah I wish she wasn't taken

Girl1: She's not that great

Guy1: Shut up Girl1 you're just jealous

Beautiful, hot, loves to party

Boringgirl: Hey you wanna stay in and starve and look like a skeleton?

Coolperson: Uh.... no I'm going out tonight with Victoria and you're not invited

A name given to the most ridiculously amazing, beautiful, sweet, gorgeous, incredible, cute, all around perfect girl in the whole Universe. She is just stunning, she can light up the darkest rooms with her smile, and bring up anyones day with her voice, there is nothing wrong with her at all, she just never ceases to amaze anyone, her beauty is hypnotic and her eyes are mesmerizing, she herself is so magnetic, on a scale of 1 to 10 she is an Eleventy Forty four,she may seem like a good girl but have a night with her and you'll discover her total bad girl side,(eheh....) she is into pink fuzzy handcuffs and leather,but you still cant help but remain in love with her,even though she is incredibly kinky.

Gosh! When I saw Victoria pass by my zipper broke!

A true friend, or a BFFL. A Victoria is a sexy bitch. Normally is a Mexican.

Victoria is my best friend, and you should be jealous.
hahaha TRUE! She is....

Limmy the Lemon

The video of that one fun afternoon.....

A model finds God

A super touching story about this one girl and how she found the Lord. It also really showes the REAL behind the scenes of professional modeling. Showing that EVERYONE needs Jesus, even if it looks like they have everything.


Okay, so this is the dance that I was talking about that I choreographed. Cielo's class had this project where they had to do a dance, she told them about me, so here it is! I separated it into two parts because it was to big to post all in one shot. Here I am with the girls (one of them was missing)
Anyway, it's not super polished or anything. This video Misty took like, when we were in the stage of "so so "knowing" the song but not totally. (you know, doing it at the same time and stuff.)
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! .....

Part two is at the bottom of this post.

Video #2

So yeah, obviously it isn't super polished yet...and it isn't THE best video. But at least in this one that I'm showing you, you can't hear all the trampoline noises...score???

Do or Die

This is a music video I made of the song Do or Die with bits and pieces of the movie series Lord of the Rings. I hope you like it!! ;D


This video is super inspiring......the very first song that brought tears into my eyes. You probably already saw it, but something as precious as this just has to be posted, sorry! Enjoy!

Echo Photo memories

For all of you!
Special people that appear in this video:
Stephanie, Kerenina, Sandy, Susy, Maria, Lizzy, Amiee and Shelly.....
Love ya my sweeties!!!

Knowing this beforehand really helps!

These are a few facts that I found in a Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. Some are funny, some are serious, and the last ones are mine but all are very true!
P.S. When you are through reading it add some of your own in a comment. If they are good and a lot then I'll make another one with yours in it!
  • Don't drink grape juice while wearing a white shirt and driving to a special outing.
  • Don't let your life wait for other people.
  • Dropping a cellphone into a bathtub of water kinda kills the phone.
  • Your mother will find out if you dye your hair purple.
  • If it hurts, DON'T DO IT AGAIN!!! (oh, trust me on this one!)
  • That which does not kill you will ultimately make you stronger.
  • Speaking in public usually gets easier with practice. (same goes to shows! I learned that from experience.....)
  • Ten years from now most of what we freak out about won't make any difference. (sigh....Lord, I need that.......WAIT!! Did it say.......(quivering voice) TEN YEARS!! AHHHHHHHH!!! I'll be 25!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH.............erm......AHEEM!!!)
  • All that's gold doesn't glisten.
  • Pimples pop up when you really can't afford them to pop up. (oh yeah!)
  • While driving a car through the gate, always, ALWAYS make sure the gate is open!! The consequences might me fatal to your car!
  • If you're not living, (I mean, REALLY living.) THEN.......your dead already! (duuuh!! I luv it!)
  • Never pierce your belly bottom in the dark!
  • Sometimes smart people can do very stupid things.
  • Being nice to people will get you far.
  • The one person you can truly love is often right in front of you.
  • If you start to like a girl, her roommate will immediately start liking you. (heh, obviously this is for guys.....but I thought it was reeaaally funny!)
  • Parent's aren't around forever, you need to treasure them while they are.
  • Think carefully before you act.
  • Dreaming and doing always go hand in hand.
  • Life moves fast, but not so fast that you can't slow down to enjoy it.
  • Instead of waiting for life to get better, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!
  • If your intuition is telling you not to do something stupid, then don't do it! Your intuition is not stupid!
  • Don't juggle knives unless you are really, really good at it.......
  • You can't light fireworks in the basement and not get caught.
  • Hair is flammable. VERY flammable....(yeah, trust me on this one toooo!)
  • God doesn't make junk!
  • Someday you will look back on this and it will all seem funny.
  • You never know when you're making a memory!
  • Nothing matters if you don't have loved ones to share it with.
  • Your siblings are incredibly precious. If you don't think so now, you will-trust me! (okay, sigh.....I'll try.....:P)
  • If you can laugh at yourself, you are going to be just fine.
  • If you allow others to laugh with you, you'll be great!
And now, my part of the batch:
  • Wearing white pants and having a very lovable dog that just came back from playing in the mud is really not the best idea in the world.......
  • Your room needs to be messy if you're going to clean it up.
  • Never sit on green gum at your birthday party. ESPECIALLY if your dress is white. (yikes! remember that one guys! really, not easy to take off!)
  • If you're going to shake a bottle of paint, make sure the top is on correctly!
  • Make sure you don't use the same role of film that you used for your vacations with your grandparents to take pictures again!
  • Not everything that's squishy is huggable!
  • Don't take your shoes off if they stink and you are in a car full of people.
  • Knowing that Jesus loves you is really all that matters in the world.
  • If you fall, get up!
  • If you smudge the ink of what you just wrote on the birthday card, you sorta blew it!
  • Make sure you don't jump off a very high part of a jumping balloon while there's a person beneath that you will hit your nose with!
  • Farting in public is veeeeery embarrassing.....
  • When you have a cup of coffee on top of a material table, try not to spill it! (the results will be disastrous!)
  • If you're ice skating, pretend you don't know how to skate. All the guys will be asking if they can help you out!
  • Don't spray perfume inside your mouth!
  • Praying for others really works!
  • If a person loves Jesus more than they love you, they are good friends!
  • Don't blink when putting mascara on!
  • If a dog is barking, it will kinda wake up the baby....
  • If your mom is talking, be quiet!!
  • Don't get water inside your watch, it will kill it.
  • If you're receiving prophecy for someone, let the Lord do the talking.
  • Give people the answer to all their questions by presenting them to the answer man=Jesus!
  • Don't slam your toe against the edge of the bed, unless of course, you want it to hurt!
  • If you need to go to the bathroom, don't hesitate!
  • Taking a shower gets you clean! (naaaw, you knew this!?? really??)
  • Buy the person you got what they want for Christmas.
  • Don't eat rotten tomatoes, yogurt, bread......actually, it's better if you don't eat anything rotten, AT ALL.
  • Make sure you get all your computer information backed up. You'll be sorry if they steal your laptop.
  • Don't burn your hair, it stinks!
  • Don't fall in love with movie usually doesn't work out!
  • If you are lighting fireworks, stay away from them!
  • If you are sad, have some Jesus time!
  • Love is the most powerful thing in the whole wide world!
So, I shall end this super interesting post right here! So please, add what you think on your comments and we shall make another: Knowing this beforehand really helps!
Love ya!