So here it is, like I promised! The video of our last day in Ciudad Juarez.....our home for the last 10 years now.....we really are going to miss all the people we met, and grew up with.
Gosh, I'm going to miss you guys sooooooo much! Yes....even you Elena!
Okay, since the video was waaaay to big to put it all up in one shot, I posted it in parts.
Love ya!
Video #3
P.S. oh and I am reeeeeaaaally sorry if you can't see the part where I am talking to John is super dark! I didn't realize how dark it was till I uploaded it....sorry! But at least you can hear his wonderful voice! ha, ha
Score Flat Abs Without Sit-Ups
Everyone wants a tight, toned tummy but few of us were genetically gifted a six-pack. Fortunately, we all do have abs—they're just covered up! It's in your power to create a sexy, sculpted stomach, even if it's not in your genes. The secret? Core-focused, fat-blasting cardio blitzes coupled with muscle-defining strength sessions.
Optimally try to fit in five sweat sessions a week and cut 500 calories a day from your diet to shed about 2 pounds a week, including stubborn belly pudge!
Can’t manage to find that much time? Fine! Think of doing half as many workouts while still eating 500 calories fewer a day-you'll lose at least 1 pound a week. Use these 20-, 40- and 60-minute firm-abs workouts to help you reach the magic number and melt away your middle. Add in two weekly strength sessions designed to reveal sexy muscles head to toe. Grab a pair of 5- to 10-pound weights, do two sets of these simple sculptors, and watch your pooch skooch!
MOVE 1: Magic multitasker Stand with feet hip-width apart. Lunge forward with left leg as you reach right arm forward, left arm back. Return to standing, twisting torso to right as you drive right knee and left elbow toward chest, right arm extended back, for one rep. Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
MOVE 2: Waist whittler Start in push-up position, legs together and extended behind you. Rotate and lower hips to left, letting feet shift so they’re stacked, then rotate back to center, then to right, for one rep. Do two sets of 10 reps.
MOVE 3: Back strengthener Stand with feet staggered, left foot in front of right, right heel lifted, left knee slightly bent. Balancing on left leg, tilt torso forward until you feel a deep stretch in hamstrings, letting hands hang toward floor for balance. Return to upright position. Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
MOVE 4: Squat supreme Stand with feet wider than hip-width apart, toes turned out; hold a weight in each hand in front of body, palms facing out. Rise onto balls of feet. Squat, then, staying on tiptoe throughout, stand, curling weights toward chest, for one rep. Do two sets of 10 reps.
MOVE 5: Lower-body blast Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees soft, arms down. Step left foot back and to right, lowering into a curtsy lunge, until right thigh is almost parallel to floor, as you reach arms across body to right. Return to standing as you kick flexed left foot to left at hip height, reversing arms, for one rep. Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
MOVE 6: Allover accentuator Start in push-up position. Lift hips to ceiling so body forms an inverted V with legs extended, heels raised and arms straight (Downward Dog). Bend elbows and scoop forward until hovering above floor with back arched and chin lifted (Upward Dog). Return to Downward Dog for one rep. Do two sets of 10 reps.
MOVE 7: Tummy tamerLie faceup on bench with legs together and extended toward ceiling; hold bench for support. Contract abs and lower legs until hovering above bench, then raise legs and curl hips off bench as high as you can, reaching toes to ceiling. Slowly lower hips and legs for one rep. Do two sets of 10 reps.
MOVE 8: Arm-flab fighter Sit on edge of bench, hands at front of seat, fingers forward, knees bent 90 degrees. Use arms to lift yourself off bench. Place right hand on right knee; extend left leg in line with hip. Lower body until left elbow is bent almost 90 degrees. Straighten left arm for one rep. Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
Optimally try to fit in five sweat sessions a week and cut 500 calories a day from your diet to shed about 2 pounds a week, including stubborn belly pudge!
Can’t manage to find that much time? Fine! Think of doing half as many workouts while still eating 500 calories fewer a day-you'll lose at least 1 pound a week. Use these 20-, 40- and 60-minute firm-abs workouts to help you reach the magic number and melt away your middle. Add in two weekly strength sessions designed to reveal sexy muscles head to toe. Grab a pair of 5- to 10-pound weights, do two sets of these simple sculptors, and watch your pooch skooch!
MOVE 1: Magic multitasker Stand with feet hip-width apart. Lunge forward with left leg as you reach right arm forward, left arm back. Return to standing, twisting torso to right as you drive right knee and left elbow toward chest, right arm extended back, for one rep. Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
MOVE 2: Waist whittler Start in push-up position, legs together and extended behind you. Rotate and lower hips to left, letting feet shift so they’re stacked, then rotate back to center, then to right, for one rep. Do two sets of 10 reps.
MOVE 3: Back strengthener Stand with feet staggered, left foot in front of right, right heel lifted, left knee slightly bent. Balancing on left leg, tilt torso forward until you feel a deep stretch in hamstrings, letting hands hang toward floor for balance. Return to upright position. Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
MOVE 4: Squat supreme Stand with feet wider than hip-width apart, toes turned out; hold a weight in each hand in front of body, palms facing out. Rise onto balls of feet. Squat, then, staying on tiptoe throughout, stand, curling weights toward chest, for one rep. Do two sets of 10 reps.
MOVE 5: Lower-body blast Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees soft, arms down. Step left foot back and to right, lowering into a curtsy lunge, until right thigh is almost parallel to floor, as you reach arms across body to right. Return to standing as you kick flexed left foot to left at hip height, reversing arms, for one rep. Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
MOVE 6: Allover accentuator Start in push-up position. Lift hips to ceiling so body forms an inverted V with legs extended, heels raised and arms straight (Downward Dog). Bend elbows and scoop forward until hovering above floor with back arched and chin lifted (Upward Dog). Return to Downward Dog for one rep. Do two sets of 10 reps.
MOVE 7: Tummy tamerLie faceup on bench with legs together and extended toward ceiling; hold bench for support. Contract abs and lower legs until hovering above bench, then raise legs and curl hips off bench as high as you can, reaching toes to ceiling. Slowly lower hips and legs for one rep. Do two sets of 10 reps.
MOVE 8: Arm-flab fighter Sit on edge of bench, hands at front of seat, fingers forward, knees bent 90 degrees. Use arms to lift yourself off bench. Place right hand on right knee; extend left leg in line with hip. Lower body until left elbow is bent almost 90 degrees. Straighten left arm for one rep. Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
Here and there....this is from me!
Yeah, I know..... sorry I haven't posted in ages here.... it's just that things have been sooooo busy!
Yep, you got that right!
Now, don't get me wrong, I am excited to be moving, just that it is hard for me to imagine myself living anywhere else that is not Juarez!.....yeah, I guess that after 10 years it gets to you, ha!

So for now I'll just wrap it up, (get it? wrap it up? haha.....okay, never mind....) and leave you to your busines.
Yep, you got that right!
We are leaving in just two days.....TWO DAYS!!! I mean, how freaky is that? I just can't get it into my head that we are moving...... so, being the smart girl I am, haha, I decided to just make myself think that these are just going to be very loooooong vacations! Smart huh? So once I get it into my head that we are not coming back, I think slowly my mind will accept we are not in Juarez anymore!
One thing I will miss very much of Juarez is: #1, all the good friends we have here; #2, the home; and #3.....S-MART!!!!! Yeah, that place comes pretty handy once in a while.......Now, don't get me wrong, I am excited to be moving, just that it is hard for me to imagine myself living anywhere else that is not Juarez!.....yeah, I guess that after 10 years it gets to you, ha!
Well, anyway, today is going to be Victoria's birthday so in the afternoon everyone is going to be all nice, handsome, and pretty, soooo (thanks to Meg's great idea!) I am going to do a lil' video tour around the house, filming the people I have been living with, our dogs, pets, etc.... you get the picture..... and in just a few minutes me and Misty are going to go do our Garage Sale. Yep, you heard right, we are having a Garage Sale! Yesterday it went pretty good, thank the Lord, and the Hall family for lending us their house... if it hadn't been for them, nobody would have been able to even see the sale! haha
So for now I'll just wrap it up, (get it? wrap it up? haha.....okay, never mind....) and leave you to your busines.
Stay tuned for the exciting video!
Love, and yours truly.....
well...You know who...
Love, and yours truly.....
well...You know who...